life changing? absolutely.
i think sex workers and the services we provide change our clients, peers & our own lives in ways we either know, don’t give enough credit for, or didn’t think much about. that phrase “hoes are healers” is a saying for a reason, and i think it is incredibly accurate.
when i started at 18, i honestly thought the amount i was charging was ludicrous but looking back i wish i knew my value back then, i wish i didn’t let other people ( mainly men / clients ) essentially determine my monetary worth for me, and that i had someone to tell me to charge whatever the fuck i want to for whatever i am doing because i was the only “out” sex worker in my friend group for a very long time & relying on the internet only goes so far. now, i want to be that person to tell you to charge whatever the fuck you want, that it’s okay to walk away from money, and that it’s okay to lower rates if you need the money / want to / etc as long as YOU feel okay about it.
1. imagine you have hired someone to simply vent and talk to with zero bias, no judgement ( to the best of our ability ), someone you most likely will never run into in your daily life, get a different perspective if you like, etc —> that’s where we come in. we are literally scantily clad / naked therapists available whenever you can pay for our services.
2. being able to be a first or have a client be able to cross something off of their bucket list that they never would have been able to do otherwise.
3. being able to feel OPEN sexually - discuss kinks, wants & fantasies, feel like they’re in a safe space to vent but also explore, & actually find themselves in ways they didn’t think. i know in my personal life in certain relationships i would have given anything to feel that and once i did, it felt like a weighted blanket literally got lifted off of me.
4. having a beautiful companion COMPLIMENT physical appearance, emotional / intellectual traits and just being able to hear things from womxn deemed as “dream, fantasy girls” to get that little confidence boost or even just feeling appreciated hearing something they haven’t heard in a long time.
5. learning more about the women in their life because of us. strange take to some, i know, but hear me out. i love my married clients, but they all know i’m a total girls girl especially when it comes to their partners. if i ever hear they got into a fight that he started, i will tell them they were acting poorly, to get her flowers, how to communicate whatever the issue was in a healthy way, etc. they see how WE want to be treated and how happy their small + big efforts towards us make us feel, which more often than not, they will apply it to their personal lives. sexually, they will feel more open & confident more often than not & have a healthier sex life in their personal life. there is so much we do that they see us interacting in: other clients, how open we tend to be, how we set boundaries, how we have our rates, etc and that does something to them that might just make them use some of these tips to the women in their life. that’s just my personal opinion on at least what i’ve seen with my clients for years.
6. improving confidence, work ability, overall mood + mental health, stress, & more. by seeing us, they are able to escape from their stressors and be able to relax with us. they can tell us all their stories, they can ask us for advice, they can see how grateful we are, they can see and feel how appreciated they are ( GOOD CLIENTS ONLY ), they can get a lot of emotional / mental relief, they don’t need to “take charge” anymore and leave it to us so they can mentally check out, they get physical relief, and so much more. by doing all of these things that we just DO, we make people more motivated, more confident, less stressed out, and just overall i like to think the majority of us leave them better off than worse off. ( this does not include scammers and SW’rs that made us gain a bad reputation )
1. we are our own destiny. by that, i mean we are freeing ourselves from whatever burdens we may have or be dealing with even if it take a long time or a mental toll. always be gentle with yourselves.
2. we are learning boundaries and learning how to implement them, whether it’s a strict boundary for one person or as a general one, we are learning that ( which usually sucks, but honestly i’m happy that my not so pleasant experiences gave me at least that )
3. financial freedom ( along with the steps to get there ) for ourselves, loved ones, and our futures.
4. our clients have the ability to show us how special we are and to see how that feels. i cannot stress how great it feels to have a client pay you $$$ to rub your feet in the club because i promise no one in my personal life would ever pay to do that, but our clients know our time is money.
5. if SW helps your confidence, this is a life changer. getting consistent verbal and monetary validation, getting compliments on what was a big insecurity and just overall being able to feel beautiful AND powerful knowing you ARE that person.
i already know there will be so many different takes on this blog, especially from the guys who “never need to pay for pussy” but guess what? every relationship is transactional in some form anyways - so, you already are.
us being the fantasy helps people.
us being the fantasy could help us if we use it as a healthy tool to separate reality from work.
us being the fantasy helps the economy.
us being the fantasy helps girls who look at us in real life or in pictures and see that not everyone is looking the “exact same” as much with the “all blonde, big boobs” / “kardashian look” & realize her own beauty.
us being the fantasy helps people be more open and vulnerable when they see that WE are being open and vulnerable, whether it’s about: our beliefs, our insecurities, past struggles or current, things we love, why we feel powerful, etc.
us being the fantasy helps other people in our industry feel less alone. & by feeling less alone, we are helping people mentally, emotionally, and maybe even saving someone.
i am using the word “fantasy”, but in saying that… to me the “fantasy” is: hard working, realistic in ways of: “no we are not the tik tok glamorization, i woke up at 4pm today after making $50 but i’m going back in and making the most of it”, using our voices to educate but to also give advice and be the great conversationalist our clients love, being an active listener, ( personally ) tapping into the femininity and using it to have people underestimate and realize we’re forces of fucking nature in the best way possible, open minded, and so much more. yes, we are beautiful, but that’s not what i ever mean when i say “fantasy”. we provide a little world that no one but us can create and we invite people in to change their lives or enhance different parts of it.
we don’t realize the power we have half the time, which is why i am so big on “charge whatever you want” vs “charge what people are telling you to” because someone will look at ANY number and either try and negotiate with you or not think twice, so it doesn’t really matter what you charge because someone will try and argue it down regardless. think of what you offer. what makes it special. what makes YOU feel good while doing whatever it may be, and capitalize on THAT.
for example: i will never not feel fucking hot when i’m on film, doing anything with eye contact, and giving a sensual lap dance. i feel good doing it, i’m having fun, and i feel like i deserve whatever it is because i know i’m giving a great time as well.
i love how my blogs always include random word vomit but i’d rather my blogs feel like you’re reading something from a friend than from webMD or something, so here we go: i have always mildly hated when customers would compare what they do sales wise to what we do. i appreciate that they are ( i call it learning / making something between us have a common ground, so i personally do not fault them ), but truly they won’t understand because once you learn how to sell your body / words, you can sell anything. yes, that mind sound depressing or demeaning ( especially when customers consistently tell you how demeaning work is & if x,y,z, is proud of us and all that other nonsense ), but in reality, we all sell our bodies and whatever percentages of our minds to any job we do. when i worked retail, i worked myself to being so sore, exhausted, constantly anxious / having panic attacks at work, begging for a break to gather myself / my thoughts, deal with the whole “the customer is always right and don’t fuck up because if someone complains you’ll get fired” bullshit, clocking in for 8 hours just to have to wake up & do it again for the same boss that doesn’t give a shit if i have a throbbing migraine or if i was sobbing the entire way to work ( some people love their bosses which is great, just in my experience of normal jobs from 16–20 years old while beginning SW at 18, i never had those experiences ) just to receive a paycheck that would last me basically until my next one while cutting down on most things i’d call “small joys”. with other jobs, you are traveling for meetings / clients, working long hours, going to school for x amount of years to get whatever degree it is you need, doing hard labor, being in different states of stress at almost all times, wondering if your paycheck will feed and house your family that month, wondering if you’re job will keep your position or if you’ll get fired and have to restart the job hunt again, and way more. i don’t see much of a difference other than the specifics of what we do vs other people, because like i said, to me, it all boils down to we still sell ourselves, just either for corporate / management, or independently. we all have some fear of job security. we all are CEOs if we actually own our own company or if we work for ourselves.
to end this, i say with all my heart, you deserve the world. everyone you love and care about deserves the world and they think and know you deserve it too. don’t let tough times keep you down, let it be a test of patience and endurance - the more work / life tries to knock you down, think of it as each time you come back up, you will be rewarded greatly for being patient. always practice kindness and gratitude. always put at least 60-80% of what you make if you can, into savings or a ROTH / etc. don’t let people who have little to no experience in this industry try to: A) make you feel bad or less than B) that you don’t know what you’re doing & that you won’t last C) listen to the hurtful comments that FUEL and nourish them if you take what they say to heart and let it affect you. show them your crown isn’t going fucking anywhere and that you are your one woman show & they can pay the admission fee to watch or they can fuck right off.
♡ emotional stripper ♡
First of all, pheww I am glad you made out of the sad mood you were in at the time of your last post which has been a couple of months. I am happy for you. It was concerning to say the least. Since I discovered your blog, I have been going through these in chronological order so just catching up. Secondly this one kind of touches on a point I tried to make in my previous comment. For some people out there these services are extremely useful in ways beyond what mainstream perceives this job to be. It may allow people to help manage their touch deprivations, confidence issues or even maybe emotional needs. This is a step up from so called Cuddle Therapists which are usually strictly platonic. Anyway, another great insight. Glad you recovered from your blues.. hang in there and keep on writing. All the Best. - Stardust.