this might be my absolute most requested and controversial blog topic i have ever been asked to write, but literally 100% of you on my poll asked me to write this…so with my experiences and from the people i am keeping anonymous for their privacy + safety reasons, this is THE blog. the one that will be the most raw and completely real, the one that will more than likely shock or horrify any civilian person and have them say, “well good god just get a different job!!” ( more on WHY this is not a blog on us just “complaining” because we want a different job, a lot of us actually still want & prefer this job despite the consequences ) & also the blog that talks about the extreme dark sides to stripping specifically, zero sugar coating and yes, i will sound like an asshole to a certain percentage of people with how i word things and how i say them, but unfortunately a lot of what i say is not even really my opinion - it’s genuinely just “how” it is when you work at a club and it sucks, but you can either: a) keep working and compartmentalize b) quit or c) try to make a change in your clubs workplace, but it’s honestly a million times harder than you would think & at the end of the day they would rather fire/replace you because 1) they can & 2) there is zero shortage on most clubs finding girls to work and yes, they know that and zero part of them wants to deal with drama. 

this blog is for: the people wanting to start dancing, the people who are new to the strip club, the people who are veterans, & people who mainly see stripping as a “fun” “easy” thing to do where you “show up in a cute outfit, dance on stage, give lap dances and make a lot of money in a few hours and can make a lot of friends to talk to and see at work” mainly thanks to tiktok glamorizing stripping ( out of every SW umbrella ) the most. don’t get me wrong, i love a good tiktok that shows pretty outfits, funny & relatable stories, pole videos, money counts / work a shift with me, but i also know ( along with many people creating these ) - that is the GOOD side we are showing. we are rarely sharing the dark shit that actually happens, mainly out of fear that there will be backlash of some form or some form of a consequence especially from the club. 


i’m going to be writing this in my bullet point / confessional journaling style and i am adding this right now:


lets dive in. 


TLDR: you’re either accepting that these things will happen to you and continue working because you are desensitized to it / compartmentalize it because “that would never happen to me” is NOT applicable here, no one is safe - or you will lose your fucking mind trying to figure out “why do men do this? why me? is this all men? why isn’t anyone helping me?” and a million negative outcomes are what will happen. there really isn’t a “middle ground” here, and if there is, let me know. 

* honestly? if you are a stripper, you have been sexually assaulted at some point at work. more honest? if you are a stripper in ANY city, state, or country - you will be sexually assaulted, raped, or both if you choose to be a stripper. it is unfortunately a “work hazard” because we are surrounded by men that are rarely gentlemen ( and if they are, it’s rare or they show their “devious” side because they think the “innocent looking gentleman with a wild side” is something we for some reason want to see / experience at work ) and we see them when they are their: drunkest / most fucked up, a shit ton of incels and misogynists that just get off on rejecting women, horniest, most lonely / depressed, most angry, entitled, you name the negative emotion or action - we have seen it all x 100000. as a stripper, you are not wearing much clothing ( duh ) and you are having to dance for men bigger and stronger than you and let’s just say - unless you are a literal bodybuilder, trained fighter, you are not winning the fight if they try to overpower you physically. we are also wearing next to nothing giving dances and do not get me started on how many assholes will whip their dick out purely to just do it and see if you’ll do whatever extras or because they’re just that drunk / fucked up. 

* it is extremely common to happen every time you work. it can be your regular, it can be just random people throughout your shift, it can be management. if you have boundaries about your body and what you are okay with happening, i promise their will be more men than you can count that will: try to pay you to break your boundaries, promise you XYZ if you break them, just literally grab parts of your body ( or bite, slap, kiss, lick, suck ), physically restrain you, try to get underneath your outfit and even if you swat them x amount of times and tell them x amount of times NO - will they still try? absolutely. & with management, well - you mainly get these 2 options if you are being assaulted by them: 1) “you don’t have to tip me out, i’ll pay your house fee every time you work and blah blah blah all these promises to make work sound like it’ll just be super!” or 2) “if you don’t do (insert sexual favor(s)), i will fire you or get you fired from my shift, and at bare minimum i will make it so if you do work on my shift, i will make you so uncomfortable that you just won’t want to come in anymore.”


* you are your own security with sexual assault. yes, there is security in clubs. no, you are not allowed to be groping people or trying to do anything “extra” in most clubs at least in the US. yes, they are supposed to “see it on the cameras and kick them out when it is happening”. no, they do not typically actually do that because they are off doing a million other things or some straight up just do not care. yes, we are “girls girls” to whatever degree. no, i have personally never seen another dancer go up to someone or myself when you actively see someone getting assaulted. you are your own security and assume everyone will do the worst, because it’s way better to be prepared than to not be and USE YOUR INTUITION WHEN TALKING TO GUYS because most girls will not fucking help you or tell you if a guy ( even if they danced with them ) is a fucking creep - if you get a weird feeling, don’t even question it, just listen and get the fuck away from whoever it is. if you have them already being touchy before even saying yes to a dance, RUN. if you feel like any form of your boundaries are being violated, walk the fuck out of the dance, keep your money, and honestly don’t bother telling security / management because sexual assault is considered “drama” in the majority of clubs unless it is a “brutal rape with penetration and or a weapon” - and they will most likely not kick whatever guy out because they are a “paying customer” and “can/will leave a bad review” and they might just send you home or suspend you. so again, you are your own security and do with that what you will. 

* substance abuse is painfully common to deal with sexual assault. so, if you already struggle with substances - this will heighten it significantly and if you have never struggled with substances but now you work at a place with alcohol everywhere or people offering you drugs, you will fall into it at some point or because you can mentally detach, you might not. 


1. “You”ll most likely be assaulted and/or have your physical boundaries crossed at work”

2. “Sexual harassment is inevitable and no one will give a shit cos “it’s just part of the job”” 

3. “I thought I knew what having boundaries were until I came to the club.” 

4. “I made 2k one night & felt like absolute shit after I thought I had to something extra for $”

5. “You will 100% be SA at some point”

6. “Went 25 years no SA until my first night dancing - didn’t know how to set boundaries”

7. “Managers would allow a certain customer to roofie girls, SA girls, and even take them home.”

8. “I thought it wouldn’t change me. But it did.”

9. “I have all this guilt inside me for doing things I wasn’t okay with because I didn’t know how to say no”

10. “You have to be on constant alert so you don’t get SA’d, it will happen at some point.”

11. “Ur gonna get assaulted and most likely security/management will do nothing”

12. Harsh Reality: “how many men choose to ignore a verbal or body language “no””

13. “You’re likely gonna have to do things that physically repulse you, especially in the beginning as you learn to set boundaries. I still don’t like my nipples touched even by lovers now.”

14. “If I want to make money I get to be okay with a level of sexual assault”

15. “I had to stop dancing for a year and I couldn’t figure out why I dreaded going to work when I once LOVED coming in for night shift, it was because I hadn’t processed the fact that I was raped.”

16. Harsh Reality: “And no one will believe that it isn’t your fault or that you encouraged it for the $. Speaking from experience”

17. “It is unfortunately not an “IF” you will get assaulted, it’s “WHEN” will you get assaulted”

18. “Choking down disgust and the nervous system response you feel when a customer assaults you. Looking in the mirror at yourself or closing your eyes and imaging you’re somewhere else to disassociate from a sketchy customer and just get the dance over with.” 


* you will be surrounded by girls who are deemed conventionally attractive by “traditional american standards” aka: what is attractive to men overall - hence why you’ll see most girls at specifically gentleman’s clubs vs “ass shaking, wild party stage clubs” wearing lingerie or “trendy” bikinis, stockings, heels vs boots, glam makeup whether it is more natural lighter colors or smoky vixen babe, not heavily tattooed, body types of basically 2: 1) thin and all natural or 2) thin or slightly thicker ( in stripper world, that is about 5-10 pounds heavier than “thin” ) with the implants and or BBL or both, most girls hair are “natural” colors - not fun colors or fun cuts just long or short but VERY stylish, unfortunately clubs are extremely old school and you will mainly see white girls, Asian girls, light skin Latina girls, and very light skin black girls ( why? i honestly have no fucking idea, but i think it’s the most racist and ridiculous thing ever ) and whatever other races that basically just look “whiter”. so, it takes a toll on A LOT of peoples self image and mental. 

* i have literally seen this and so far it’s only been in Vegas clubs but i know it exists in more and that most clubs will prefer people on the “leaner, toned” side than note overall when it comes to getting hired or staying hired. what i saw? girls getting put on weight suspension. would society as a whole even deem them as a “thick” person? fuck no. but because they were “not as toned”, “gained 2 pounds in their tummy or whatever “unflattering place to hold weight””, “their thighs are touching in a non flattering way”, etc - yes. you will actually get suspended until you lose that weight or tone your body back up at least in this example. guess what? there was even a time line! “between 1-2 months” & guess what this more likely than not leads to? eating disorders, substance abuse but mainly stimulants, orthorexia ( eating disorder, but obsessively working out ), every diet in the universe, and a lot of self hatred and body dysmorphia. do they care? no, they have over 200 girls THAT NIGHT trying out and wanting to get hired. 

* sex work overall will never be a job that has any form of a guarantee. you made 10k in a week? cool, next week you might be lucky and make $10. unless you are a sex worker, you quite literally will never know or be able to understand how insane this concept is, how much / badly it fucks *everyones* mental health and view of themselves. there is zero paid time off. we do not get benefits ( some clubs apparently do, so that is huge progress! but still not the normal ). we can’t write this on resumes, so if we want a “normal” job - that meme of “but why is there a huge gap in your resume?” yeah, it’s real and yeah, most people who are hiring you also don’t like or want to hire a sex worker. we do not get paid hourly unless the club is contracted and honestly i do not know really anyone who prefers it that way unless it is purely for the “it shows proof of income” and things for taxes ( i know right! we actually pay taxes! well, some of us but still the fact that we pay taxes given the fact that the government and most of society look down on us is honestly amazing because i so would have assumed most don’t pay their taxes and was pleasantly surprised ) so if we work for 12 hours, we do not have an hourly guarantee - if you leave negative because you paid your house fee and made nothing, tough shit. if you work 5 hours and leave with 3k, you killed it….but you killed it THAT night. what happens the next shift? how will you feel if you worked the same amount of hours or more and made under $500? point being: the uncertainty is what makes the people who have a stronger work ethic / hustle mentality work MORE because they know there is no guarantee and they’d rather make something than nothing. it also causes a lot of anxiety, depression, and most strippers are work a holics for this reason. 

* scenario: you need to pay rent due in 3 days and this is your only source of income, you don’t have family or anyone to rely on to help you.  you got served divorce papers or you went through an extremely traumatic event ( or both )? sucks. tried to kill yourself the day before? cool, still have to pay your bills so put that fucking persona on. dealing with a bad relapse? might as well figure out how to function on drugs at work because you can be homeless and on drugs or living in your place and on drugs and we all know the most comfortable and preferred option. your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend? get over it. you found out you’re pregnant? figure it out. you are in physical pain? the ibuprofen is over there, get back to work. this is basically what it is. if you need the money, everyone has a sob story, but life and work do not give a fuck - so yes, that is partially why personas exist - to make your personal life problems be left AT HOME so that your work self is someone with zero problems and can be a money making fairy who can deal with their home problems AFTER work. if you cannot separate the personas more often than not, your mental health will absolutely deteriorate. you have to learn how to be version 1 AND version 2 of you, and you have to be able to turn either one on or off at any given time. 


1. “If you don’t go to clubs where your body, skin tone & features are sought after, you won’t make $”

2. “Finding it hard to do anything that doesn’t involve making money. Money changes you.”

3. “Having a bad $ night at work can crush your self esteem & make you hate your appearance”

4. “Customers will critique every aspect of your body & compare you to the other girls & tell you”

5. “If you have substance issues, dancing can bring them out x10 and make them a habit”

6. “There will be nights where you pay $100 to work and make nothing & the DJ still wants a tip out”

7. “I had to journal about all the traumatizing stuff men did to me as a baby stripper just so I’d have an outlet & not carry those emotions with me & go insane”

8. “This industry makes you & breaks you.”

9. “The more $ you make, the more $ you want. I USED to be so happy with 200 or 300 dollars”

10. “Don’t drink in the club. Worked 6 years without, once I started, I couldn’t stop for 5 years”

11. “Help each other, clubs benefit from individualistic competitive dancer culture - at our expense”

12. “Industry will chew you up, break you down, then mold you into a different version of yourself”

13. “It’s extremely draining if you don’t protect your energy and have self care days”

14. “This job will give you body dysmorphia like no other.”

15. “You can’t keep putting down all the traumatizing things that happen to you with alcohol & drugs. It catches up to you.”

16. “You will lose parts of yourself to dancing that are very hard to get back.”

17. “It’s literally who is in there and who you talk to. You could be drop dead gorgeous but still get denied”

18. “This job will cost you your mental health.”

19. “It feels weird switching between 2 identities. Idk which one I am anymore”

20. “You become numb to being sexualized and when you don’t get lusted after, you think less of yourself and maybe even lose your confidence.”

21. “Vanilla jobs will never be enough. Even if you’re out, you’ll probably return to some extent”

22. “Doing things you may not be 100% comfortable with for money”

23. “No matter how strong you are, you’re being objectified every single night and it gets to you”

24.  Harsh reality: “No, not everyone can  be a stripper/SW, so stop saying that”

25. “Some men come in just to degrade you because they can’t do it in real life.”

26. “A coworker of mine got murdered by a well known regular and it will stay with me forever.”

27. “You’re going to compare your income, looks and hustle to other girls” 

28. “Disassociating for the sake of your mental health” 

29. “I feel so lonely.” 

30. “I definitely recommend all women but especially sex workers learn about psychology and narcissism. “Why Does He Do That” by Lundy Bancroft and “The Gift of Fear” books helped me a lot to understand what happened to me + keep myself safe.”


* most family and especially significant others are not fans their person being a stripper. oddly enough, in my life at least, i’ve always had it as the person i have dated usually is the one who absolutely hates what i do whereas i am lucky and my family is just happy i’m happy - typically, there is really no support on the family / relationship side and if there is, that is more rare which is unfortunate.

* you will either hate men and kind of lump all of them together or you will realize there are SOME good ones and you’ll appreciate the good ones more than you would have before working and you will also see the truly shitty sides of men and decide you don’t want to be around x,y, z type of person. guess what? it will affect your personal relationships with men one way or another. it will affect your views on sex ( not even just with men ) as well.

* if friends know what you do: suddenly they are more “involved” in your life, obviously they “could never do what you do, but props to you for being able to!” - but hey, we all know why they’re suddenly around more. notice who paid for the last brunches/dinners/drinks? the last events you went to? spa days? literally anything? oh, right, the friends that randomly appear because they assume you are making bank every time you work. if you “take that away” from them - you’ll quickly see who isn’t there anymore. the other option is that they suddenly think you have no morals, they more than likely will be extremely uncomfortable leaving you alone with their significant other, they definitely judge you silently and possibly to your face, they will also most likely drop you as a friend entirely. so much for x amount of years of friendship, right? besties forever ( means absolutely fucking nothing ) ! —> UNLESS you landed a unicorn of a friend known as the “ride or die”. had a bad night at work? they will let you vent, they will give you space, they will make you some treats, really whatever it is that you need. going out? they’ll actually try and pay for you or offer to split the bill! your car’s in the shop? they will offer to drive or pick you up from work. they are the friends that are there for the darkest of shit and the brightest of times with open minds and open arms. THAT is your chosen family and THAT is the best kind of person overall. 

* ah, relationships. my favorite. remember how badly they wanted you when they met you at the club or when you finally answered their 8th DM that was sitting in your message requests but now they call you a hoe, “insert any slur towards our industry” and that they now don’t want you working? yeah, that happens all the time. if i had a PENNY for every time i have seen a girl get in a relationship with someone and then get asked to quit or work less, i would have enough money to retire for 8 lifetimes extremely comfortably. even though outside of work, you are a normal person, they still get worried talking about you to their friends or family because god forbid they ask them what you do for work or they already know and judge. ( men, if you are SO scared of what someone will say about what your partner does for work….either don’t even try to date someone in this industry or choose to live your own life and not live for your family or your friends that would 100% try and fuck your girlfriend ANYWAYS if they had the chance or even if they don’t and they just happen to be alone together and they try something on her! ) suddenly you are an “embarrassment”, a “gold digging hoe” which is always funny to me because it’s like….wait, i can be a gold digger WHILE living off of my own money and while working / wanting to work? guess you learn something new ( and completely stupid ) every day! i have personally made this boundary / rule for myself in relationships and i have slipped a few times and regretted it literally every time, so currently been a while of it not slipping and very happy about it: i will pick work over you because the likelihood of our relationship lasting until we both die is statistically very low for anyone ( just look at the increasing divorce rates and then ask me why i’m not giving up my job ), i will pick work because i have a lifestyle i am accustomed to and refuse to compromise because i do not have to - so if you are not going to match it 100% i am not remotely interested, if you get pissed or weird about my social media, don’t look at it??? it isn’t that hard??? next step is blocking you, and then next step is saying “BYE!” because if you can’t distinguish my literal work pages from the person you are dating ( not my persona! ) then i’m good and would prefer to be alone anyways, and the list kinda goes on. men either love me or hate me - but they will always agree at least now, that those are definitely my boundaries and possibly their dealbreakers. another thing about relationships in this industry that i will not speak a lot on because i do not have children - but good god! the amount of “you’re a shitty mom!” ( lists zero examples other than what you do for work to provide for your child ), “what will you say/do when your kids find out what you do????”, “i could never have kids with someone who is a sex worker”, “CPS should be called if they haven’t already”, “i feel bad for your kid”, list goes ONNNNN. what the fuck is that about?? i hate that my friends who have children get comments like that regularly and that people who are in this industry also get that from really anyone when in my opinion, you are doing what you can to support yourself and your family. you are probably making more dancing than you would at whatever other job and spending more time with your family due to this industry having schedule flexibility because you make your schedule and in my head, isn’t THAT what should matter? anyways, i’ll let the “what strippers on my instagram said” speak the rest. 

* we again, see all sides of men: good, bad, absolutely horrific. seeing all of these sides with all types of people and no stereotypes because it really is every type of person that comes in, does affect ( % depends on the person ) how we view men in our personal lives as friends or as romantic interests. 


1. “Made me feel even more unsafe around men (never did) but now I see SO many are like this”

2. “Competition and comparison between friends”

3. “It has ruined my ability to feel safe in a relationship with a man - I feel like I know too much”

4. “It makes you question your sexuality”

5. “I have no sex drive & horrible trust issues in relationships after being a sex worker”

6. “I feel like I have so much anger built inside me from men so I take it out on stage when I dance!”

7. “I could only be friends with girls in the industry because only they understand this lifestyle”

8. “Since becoming a dancer, the way people in your real life treats you changes dramatically”

9. “I don’t look at men the same anymore. It traumatizes you.”

10. “It changes your view of men completely. I find it impossible to date. I am so jaded, forever alone.” 

11. “If you have a male partner, he may become resentful of your ability to make more $ in 1 night than he can make in a week.”

12. “I told myself for two years into it that I couldn’t possibly be a lesbian if this is my job. Plot twist, I’ve been a lesbian the whole time. On the note of SA, being SA’d at work made me victim blame myself playing into my denial that I’m a lesbian.”

13. “Wanted to share this here for girls thinking of using SW to help family/friends financially: they may not see it as help. I was working retail and living at home, 19 years old. My mom couldn’t afford to pay her credit card anymore. She raised my brother and I completely alone with no help. One night I decided it was enough - got my dancer license thinking she’d be happy to not be struggling anymore, or at least appreciate my intentions. Neither were true. I lied and said I was just working overtime at my civ job + doing cash jobs on the side but the money didn’t match. She went through my stuff one night and kicked me out. I would’ve been homeless had it not been for friends all offering me a place to stay. She yelled and cried and completely disowned me when she found out via a friend of hers coming in and seeing me. It’s been just over 6 months of us talking but that only ever happened because I was able to quit and get a decent full time civ job. You need to be prepared for your family to abandon you. No matter how kind you think they are.”

14. “Seen so many husbands, I can’t get married and be that wife they are complaining about in strip clubs”

15. “I’m allergic to men complaining and wonder who did they abuse before when they were in public spaces?”

16. “Being a single mom it’s the only way I can provide and at the same time hiding it is exhausting” 

17. “I fear motherhood and being vulnerable with any man - it’s like the veil has been lifted & you see the darker truth about men.” 

i think we covered most of it? i’m keeping the “what was said on my IG” notes open and adding more answers until the 24 hrs of my Q sticker disappears (it’s only been up for 6 hours and there is this many responses and I only wrote the ones that weren’t essentially identical!) 

as for me - we can get vulnerable on here and this is my story and my experiences & if this helps even one person, then i am happy. 

have i been raped and or sexually assaulted at work? yes, and not just from customers. 

have i lost friends because of what i do for work? yes.

do i hate men? no, i just hate the ones that are shit to me or as a whole they are a generally awful person.

do i struggle with my mental health? absolutely. 

have i had relationships ruined mainly because of what i do? absolutely.

have i had strip club customers show me pictures of their wife and family and say how great they are and then proceed to try and ask me how they can fuck me after work? more times than i can count. 

do bad money nights affect my mental health? 1000%

does no guarantees affect me? yes, i am a crazy workaholic and am extremely anxious. yet i am grateful because i personally have that as self motivation.

have people who have known me most of my life think completely differently of me when they found out what i did? majority of them did and had to deal with the uncomfortable feelings of “wait they were a genuine friend for x years and now they are acting like a fake friend, which one is it?” and realizing it was usually the fake version.

have i cried the entire drive to work just to sit in the parking lot with a timer for 5 minutes to “get my shit together” so that i can smile when i check in? more times than i can count.

did i work after traumatic events? every single time.

do i have a lot of self care days? no. i wish i did.

ever tried to kill yourself while being a stripper? yes, and i didn’t go to work much but i hated myself more for missing x amt of days of work than caring about the mental struggles i had that led me to trying to kill myself.

have you felt completely alone and isolated? yes. that is the only reason why i created emotional stripper.

do you regret it? do you regret being a stripper? never. 

there is probably plenty more i could answer, but i think this is the time where i let you guys actually read this and then read it again to digest it. 

no, this is not a “fuck, i hate my job i need a new one” blog. this is a “hey, if you choose to be a stripper, this is literally what happens” blog.

men, i do not want to hear how “wait this sounds like when i did this job! this is so similar!” it isn’t. i appreciate trying to relate to us i guess, but seriously, unless you are a stripper or a sex worker, you will never be able to understand it further than 60% and just accept that and try to just keep humanizing us to society. 

is this a “waiiiiitttttt, girl are you just saying this shit to gatekeep this industry because so far my favorite tiktokers / vloggers have *never* said anything like this on striptok” blog? NO. this is a “what you ARE NOT seeing or hearing because depressing / realistic shit about a glamorized industry isn’t what gets views a majority of times, it’s the wording / triggers / etc that gets the videos shadowbanned or deleted. i know some people definitely want to gatekeep stripping, but i am not one of them. i want everyone in the universe to make their own decisions with having all the information they can have to make an informed decision so you don’t get involved in something you actually end up regretting” blog. 

i love my stripper babes and the people who have stuck around and loved us during the dark times and great times. i love this weird community of every personality type and knowing that even if you feel completely alone, go onto reddit and bam! you have over 700 people who feel the exact same way you do. i love all of you so much. 


emotional stripper ♡


  1. Thank you for writing this.. I don’t feel so alone now. Been struggling real hard at being ok with 2 identities.. sometimes I feel I’m living a double life and I’m not authentic. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Wishing you the best bb xoxo


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